Thinking outside the trash can–


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Thinking outside the trash can

Pioneer marine conservationist Jacques Cousteau believed that “Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”

We not only agree but believe we can do something about it by thinking outside the trash can…


Rebooting furniture

We thought again about what else we could recycle, reuse, repurpose, upcycle... Ergo, aardra’s newest creation – our handmade footstool. We got together used plastic bottles, weaving upcycled newspaper around them in our signature handwoven style.

The result: A sturdy, aesthetic and light footstool that easily doubles up as an ottoman or a coffee/tea table which can go wherever you go. The cushion has a soft filling of cotton fabric waste that comes from Tirupur, India’s knitwear capital. And as a finishing touch, we stitched together fragments of a traditional Dharwad sari to cover the cushion that seems to say, “Cheers! Job well done!”


If you agree and want an aardra footstool of your own, send us a message and we’ll give you the details of how you can get one.

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